......These first photos and the white outfit are from the sound check, before the concert. The song is I Could Have Danced all Night, from The Merry Widow.
......These first photos and the white outfit are from the sound check, before the concert. The song is I Could Have Danced all Night, from The Merry Widow.
View from the stage. I went backstage many times but it's the first time I actually got on stage. There are so many lights, you could get blind if you're not used to them.
And the concert started. Part I - the blue dress for Habanera, Un Bel Di and O Mio Bambino Caro.
The first duet, O suave fanciulla. That look is... priceless.
End of Part I
Now part II. The second outfit, for Le filles de Cadix
Mamma - he dedicated the song to his mother, who was in the audience
... and side
The third outfit, starting from Muzica till the end. The dress is red.
Some photos tend to be yellow-ish. it's because of the lights on the stage. And also because of the distance from me to the stage.
Again, THE look
The fireworks after the show. Somebody could have won a war with all that ammunition.
Angela Gheorghiu and Vlad Mirita. And the Palace of the Parliament in the background.
Details about the program, comments and videos, HERE.
Wow, si pe scena, si in public, si autograf la final... I'm impressed ! Ma bucur pentru bucuria si entuziasmul tau. Imi aduc si acum aminte ce entuziasmata am fost inainte si dupa concertul Angelei din 2004. Asteptasem zece ani s-o vad live, nu-mi venea sa cred.:) Intre timp, mi s-a mai domolit interesul, probabil si pentru ca am facut in ultimii ani o mare pasiune pentru opera baroca si solistii ei (inclusiv Cecilia Bartoli, pe care sper s-o vad la un moment dat pe scena). Eu am ales Concertgebouw sambata seara si n-am regretat, desi mi-ar fi placut sa merg si in Piata Constitutiei.
ReplyDeleteSper sa revii cu comentariile zilnice, le-am tot asteptat cu nerabdare ! Mai ales ca, din pacate, voi lipsi miercuri si joi de la festival. Ma bazez pe pozele si rezumatele tale.:)
Si eu am asteptat tot cam 10 ani pana sa ajung sa o vad prima data. Dar a meritat asteptarea. Bartoli... da. Din tot sufletul, da. Si acum imi amintesc concertul din primavara. Astept cu nerabdare sa o vad la Londra din nou. Cred ca voi fi la fel de entuziasmata.
ReplyDeleteAm fost la Concertgebow duminica dimineata. Comentariul urmeaza. Dar e pe primul loc in orice topuri mi-am facut eu in minte pana acum.
I wish Angela would do a concert in Baltimore but I doubt that will happen. Washington,DC would be nice.